for most recent articles The 490th day from the New-Year datum
is the 430th from Mount Sinai
(of the 360-calendar)
(See Ezekiel 4:4-9; Daniel 9:20-27) |
Day-count (starting from the first day of the year of the Exodus) ==> |
410th day
(Leave Mt. Sinai) |
450th day
(Send out 12 spies) |
490th day
(Spies return) |
Comparison of years with days of equal value ==> |
Israel spends 350 days at Mount Sinai after coming out of Egypt. |
From arrival at Mount Sinai until 40 days after leaving, at which time they sent out spies, are 350 + 40 = 390 days. |
From arrival at Mount Sinai until the completion of the 40-days spying, are 390 + 40 = 430 days. |
From entering Egypt until Moses' birth are 350 years. |
From entering Egypt until Moses' flees from Egypt at age 40, are 350 + 40 = 390 years, (Acts 7:23-36). |
From entering Egypt until when Moses takes Israel out from Egypt are 390 + 40 = 430 years. |
- On the anniversary when the spies returned with an evil report about the land, for which Israel was sentenced to 40 years wandering in the desert, ---"a day for each year they spied out the land, " --- it happens that 430
+ 430 years later Israel again went captive into Egypt (and Babylon). This happened in fulfillment of Ezekiel's prophecy as concerning the "390 + 40 (= 430) day-years," (Av 10th, 586 BC, Ezekiel 4).
- Since they were in Egypt 430 years, hence a total of 1290 years elapsed from when they entered Egypt until they again went into exile there; (430 + 430 + 430 = 1290 years of Daniel 12:11.)
- The lunar calendar brings out variations to the 490 days from the New Year datum, (i.e., the day when the spies returned with the evil report). For example, instead of ending the 490th day, it ends
the 483rd day. Remarkably, both are agree with Daniel 9:20-27. Notice also the following:
- At age 77, Jacob worked for a wife for 7 + 7 years, exactly 483 years before the Exodus, etc. He was born 70-times-8 years before the Exodus, and died at 7x7x3 years of age.
- 483 years after the Exodus (and tabernacle), comes the middle of the 7-years building of the temple of Solomon, 1Kg. 6:1.
- 490 + 490 + 490 years later is the ministry of Jesus Christ at age 30, (which is 30 jubilees of 49 years [7 x 7 x 30].)
- The full pattern is:
490 days from Mount Sinai until the Day of Atonement (which should have been the commencement of the Day and Year of Jubilee), plus another 490 x 3 years is AD 26,
when Christ began His half-of-a-seven-year ministry.
- This pattern is strikingly similar to the before-mentioned 430 x 3 years (between the captivities), with the 430 days between the arrival at Mt. Sinai and the 490th day of the
year--- when the spies returned with evil report.
Further discussion:
The traditional years assigned these events by most modern scholars are 1446-1445 BC. The exodus (spring of 1446 BC) also begins the new datum given to Moses
for tracking the passage of time, (an undisputed fact.)
"This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you, (Exodus 12:2).
"And it came to pass in the first month in the second year, on the first day of the month, that the tabernacle was reared up," (Ex 40:17; see also Numbers 1:1; 9:1; 10:11).
"And Aaron the priest went up into mount Hor at the commandment of the LORD, and died there, in the fortieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the first day of the fifth month," (Numbers
33:38; see also Deuteronomy 1:3).
"And it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel, in the month Zif, which is the second month, that he
began to build the house of the LORD," (1Kings 6:1).
Hence, the first couple of years of this new datum, and of the life of Israel as a nation, contain in seed form the plan and prophecy of her past, present, and future destiny on the scale of a day being equal to a year.(2)
"And your children shall wander in the wilderness forty years, and bear your whoredoms, until your carcasses be wasted in the wilderness. After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even forty days, each day for a
year, shall ye bear your iniquities, even forty years, and ye shall know my breach of promise. (Numbers 14:33-34).
It is most interesting that the above 40 days that they spied out the land ended on the 490th day from the New Year datum, but 430 days from when they entered Mount Sinai, and 40 x 2 days from when they left Mount Sinai! Those familiar with bible prophecy
numbers will find this most astounding. The following is but one of many such examples given in brief after the charts.

Click to enlarge.
I discovered the above while working on the below automated calendar.
Automated Calendar Converter
After two decades, the above calendar
converter is final out!
The 490th day from the New Year datum of the 360-calendar.
(See Ezekiel 4:4-9; Daniel 9:20-27.)
From entering Egypt until Moses' birth are 350 years. |
From entering Egypt until Moses' flees from Egypt at age 40, are 390 years, (Acts 7:23-36). |
From entering Egypt until when Moses takes Israel out from Egypt are 390 + 40 = 430 years. |
Israel spends 350 days at Mount Sinai after coming out of Egypt. |
From entering Mount Sinai until 40 days after leaving from there are 390 days; at which time they send out the 12 spies. |
From entering Mount Sinai until the 40-days spying are 390 + 40 = 430 days.
All this occurs after the said 430 years captivity! Moses is 40 + 40 years old! |
The two 40-day periods in which Moses went up Mount Sinai are in parallel with the two 40-day periods just mentioned; they are separated by (nearly and exactly) 49 x 7 days, (which is 7 x 7 x 7).
This agrees with the 490th day mentioned at top.
The lunar calendar brings out variations to the above; for example, instead of the 490th day, it is the 483rd day. Remarkable both, however, are in agreement with Daniel 9:20-27. |
astoundingly, this pattern is repeated again, except this time corresponding
to the 390 years from the entry into Egypt unto Moses' fleeing at 40-years
of age, and the Exodus 40-years later, and then the 40-year desert
wandering, plus the seven-year conquest of Canaan, (1406-1399 BC). (Thus,
390 + 40 + 40 days corresponds to the same in years.) This pattern only
appears when using the additional dates supplied by the prophet Ezekiel.
(See note in Column #17.)
The precision of these dates is mind-bending! The bible says
that Israel was in Egypt exactly "to the day", 430 years unto
Passover of 1446 BC. Ezekiel simply counts, not from just the first day of
Passover, but from the whole week of Passover, and then counts 430 days from
this week unto when the spies went out to spy the land for 40 days. Because
of their unbelief, Israel was sentenced to wander in the desert "a day
for each of the 40 days they spied the land". Thus, they entered the
Promised Land in 1406 BC. Therefore, this means that the 40-days of spying
out the land exactly corresponds to the 40 years of the wilderness
430 years "to the
day" from the Entry into Egypt (1876 BC) unto the Passover of the
Exodus (1446 BC), plus 40 years unto
the Promised Land (1406 BC).
Corresponds to...
430 days + 40 days
from the above Passover week (1446 BC) unto the 40 days that the spies
spied out the land (1445 BC, Av. 5-12).
{Also ponder the 1,260,000 days from the
Exodus, (which is 3500 years without any leap months inculcated). All
symbolic dates align with literal dates when the dates of Ezekiel are forwarded
by the bible-prophecy time frame of 1260 + 1335 years. The great tsunami that killed
250,000 on Dec. 26, 2004 was 1,260,000 days (Revelation 12) from Nisan 14 (360 calendar) of the Passover of the
Exodus (March 23, 1446 BC), which was the eve of the 10th (last) plague upon Egypt. Click
here for more on that.}
To the Timeline of Events
that elucidates bible prophecy!
Also, "The day equals a consecutive year/date of time"
How A Day Can Equal a Year
events interconnect by time-gaps"
The day God intended Israel
to enter the Promised Land. An amazing pattern! Part 'B'
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Theme: Exile and Tribulation
From the seven-year "world-wide" famine of Joseph
until the falls of Egypt, Israel, Assyria, Judah, and Babylonia…
1878–1871 BC
Enter Egypt 1876
1446 BC
722 BC
612 BC
586 BC
539 BC
Fall of
(i.e., the Exodus)
Fall of
Fall of
Fall of
Fall of
Total years later from the famine -->
years (Ezk.4)
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years (Dan.8)
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years (Rev.12)
from famine
years (Dan.12)
from famine
years (Dan.12)
from famine
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