Bible Prophecy Numbers
The Writing on the Wall
Ch. 2h, "How Long?"
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The "Time, Times, and a Half-a-time"
Three times in the Bible, the "3½-year period" is broken-down into "a time, times, and half a time," (Daniel 7:25; 12:7; Revelation 12:14, cf. Daniel 4:16,23,25,32). Anything repeated three times in the Bible is exceptionally important. The consensus of scholarship understands "a time, times, and half a time" to signify "a year, two years, and half a year." In other words, "a time, times, and half a time" consists of "360 days, 720 days, and 180 days," for a total of 1260 days or 3½ years (Revelation 11:3; 12:6).
The reference to "time, times, and half a time" from Daniel 12:7 is given in parallel to the "1290 days" mentioned just four verses later in Daniel 12:11. By standard interpretation, the "1290" is simply the "1260" (of Revelation 12:6) except with the leap month of 30 days added to it. (See "Intercalary Month"). Consequently, again we have "a time" ("360," except + 30 now makes it "390"), "times" ("720"), "and half a time" ("180 days"), for a total of 1290 days.
A Year with the Leap Month Added Equals 390 Days {17}
Table 10
The 3½ years is further broken down into a "time, times, and half-a-time."
(Click here for a fuller discussion of the "time, times, and half-a-time," of Daniel 7:25; 12:7 and Revelation 12:14.)
==> 3½ times
(1 year)
360 days(2 years)
720 days(½-year)
180 days= 3½ years
= 1260 daysOr, + 30 days = 390 (if we here add the leap month)
Or, + 30 days = 750 (if we here add the leap month)
Or, + 30 days = 210 (if we here add the leap month)
= 1290
(or 1260 + 30 days)
Evidently, therefore, the "390 days" that Ezekiel besieged Jerusalem simply denoted a Bible-Prophecy year with the leap month added; it is but the first "time" ("390 days") of the "time, times, and half a time," (Ezekiel 4).
Furthermore, since Ezekiel acted out his siege precisely 7 years before the city fell (i.e., seven "times," cf. Daniel 4:16,23,25,32), thus we have a "time, times, and half a time" (3½ years), twice repeated between Ezekiel's siege and the fall of the city. (I.e., two of "3½ times" totals "7 times.") (At this point things become more complex, because of this we have a detailed version of this document.)
Ponder the following chart:
Table 11 (All three time-lines are of equal value.
They represent three ways of describing a seven-year period.)
Ezekiel’s siege |July 593 ___1290 + 1260 days___July 586 BC | Exile
Ezekiel’s siege |July 593 __3½ "times" + 3½ "times"__July 586 BC | Exile
Ezekiel’s siege |July 593 _390 + 720 + 180 + 360 + 720 + 180_July 586 | Exile
Therefore, Ezekiel’s "390" is simply one segment in the breakdown of the 1290 of Daniel as much as was the full "430" of Ezekiel, (i.e., 430 x 3 = 1290; and 390 + 720 + 180 = 1290 too). In later chapters, all of this will be fine-tuned to the exact "hour and day and month and year," (Revelation 9:15, cf. Ezekiel 5:2).
Note the 390 years from when they entered Egypt until when Moses sought to deliver them out of Egypt, (1486 BC). This 390 is part of the "time, times, and half-a-time" breakdown of the 1290 years, from the entry to Egypt (1876 BC) unto the exile back to Egypt (and Babylon) in 586 BC. We will detail these things in a later chapter. Recall the chart below.
Entry |__390_years__| exile__+_40_| Exodus
1876 BC (Israel enters Egypt) + 390 years = 1486 BC (failed exodus, and exile of Moses), + 40 = 430 years total till the actual exodus of 1446 BC.
(1876 BC) + 390 + 40 = 430 + (430 + 430) = 1290 years to 586 exile.
0r, (1876 BC) + 390 + (2½ times 360 = 900) = 1290 years to 586 exile.
(Ezekiel's symbolic siege lasted 390 days (and 430),
and the actual siege lasted 900 inclusive, a total of 1290 days!)
Next, to more simpler things!
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Also see, "How the Ministry of Christ Lasted
1150, 1260, 1290, and 1335 days"
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