Second Key Concept

(1st key)


Part 'a'

(To Part 'b')


("Major events interconnect by both day and year")

(Also see "Each day equals a consecutive year/date of time".)


This is much the same concept as the well received belief that there is a gap between the first "69 sevens" (483 years) and the last "seven" of the "seventy-times-seven" (490 years) of Daniel's famous prophecy, (Daniel 9:20-27). Most place the 'church age' within this gap of time, at the end of which the final "seven" (years) of Daniels prophecy will elapse called, "The Great Tribulation." (This 490-year clock went on hold at the death of Christ, or others say, at the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70). 

However, two new concepts that can be deduced from the above are:


    "gaps" occur, but importantly, only at established intervals. That is, similar major events, such as the Exodus of 1446 BC and the exile at the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC, connect with each other by intervals of 360, 430, or 490 years, all of which are foundational biblical numbers, (Ezekiel 4, Daniel 9).

    Example: From the Entry into Egypt in 1876 BC, until the Exodus (1446 BC) are 430 years. Another 430 x 2 years later was the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC, when Israel went again back into Egypt (and Babylon). (Hence, from the Entry into Egypt until the repeated exile into Egypt are 1290 years [430 x 3], cf., Daniel 12:11).


    these giant "gaps" in years of time are mentally removed, (just as the said 483 years was from the 490 of Daniel), then the various sub-events that comprise each of these major epoch events zipper together like missing pieces of a puzzle. Thus, the minor events that comprise the major events join together to create clear patterns in days on the micro level that are ideally suited, and indeed interconnect, with the larger macro level that was in years

    Incomplete example: (Concentration will be needed and rewarded if you are to grasp the following!)

    For their unbelief, Israel was sentenced to 40 years wandering in the wilderness. This happened on the 490th day from the New Year of the Exodus, which was 430 days after their arrival at Mount Sinai. Then, 430 x 2 years later--- less 1290 days--- commenced the 930-day siege and fall of Jerusalem, which resulted in Judah going back into Egypt and Babylon, (cf., Ezekiel 4;  20). Therefore, if we remove this 430 x 2-year gap of time (860 years) between the Exodus and the fall of Jerusalem, this is a sampling of what we observe: 


All day counts use a 360-day year,
 and are counted in relationship to the New Year of whatever epoch event is in question:
In this case, it is the Exodus and Exile epochs.

(430x3) years
Enter Egypt
1876 BC
No comment for now
Exodus from Egypt

1446 BC

literal 430 days from Sinai to Canaan Total
 -1290 days
from Canaan border to start of siege
Arrive at 
Mt. Sinai

60 full days after
1446 BC New Year

860 days   from top to bottom
Arrive at 
Canaan border

490 days after
1446 BC New Year

360 days  from top to bottom
(i.e., anni-
versary year)
Exile back to Egypt/Babylon

586 BC

Siege of Jerusalem

800 days before
 586 BC New Year

Siege ends
(Exiled from Canaan)

130 days after 
586 BC New Year

literal 930-day siege

The linking of Exodus events with those of the 586 BC Exile, along with its '430' days and years, is also a major theme in the book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel was told to symbolically besiege Jerusalem 430 days (390 + 40) in view of the literal 930-day siege that came 7-years later. The language of Ezekiel 4 concerning this 430-day symbolic siege, "a day for each year for the sins of Israel...and of Judah," is borrowed from Numbers 14, that is, the events at the Canaan border in 1446/5 BC as seen in the chart. Particularly telling is the phrase: "40 days, a day for each year," (Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6; see ch. 20 where the events of the Exodus are paralleled in depth to the 586 BC Exile; esp. vs. 10-17, which links the Sinai Law with the Canaan-border fiasco 430 days later. Moreover, the corresponding 430 years in Egypt is also implied, [Ezekiel 20:5-9 with Ezekiel 4].)


Chart Explained:

From the start of the siege of Jerusalem, (which was 800 days before the New Year that it fell), until when they arrived at Mount Sinai, (which was 60 full days after New Year), there are 860 days (430 x 2 days) when the 430 x 2 year-gap is removed. Plus another 430 days more until when Israel was sentenced to 40-years wandering (on the said 490th day from the New Year)---for a total of 430 x 3 days, which equals 1290 days (3½-years, Daniel 12:11). 

Note that Israel was in Egypt 430 years until the Exodus (1876 to 1446 BC). Hence, from the time they entered Egypt, until when they again returned there (and Babylon too) are 430 x 3 years, or 1290 years. 

Notice that what units connect these major events by years, (430 x 2 and 430 x 3 years), also connect their internal minor events by days, (430 x 2 and 430 x 3 days). A large wheel within a small; and the theme throughout is consistent---coming into or out of exile. Nor are the minor events that comprise these major epoch events selective, but are the peak events that comprise the epoch events. Nevertheless, even seemingly unimportant dated events find their place in the overall pattern. Moreover, all like epoch events join together in similar fashion as if one event---all by intervals of 360, 430, or 490.


If you have understood this page then please click here to develop this concept one more step before advancing to the final "Third Key Concept." If you have not fully grasped it, then you should reread this page first.



(To "Second Key Concept" Part 'b')

2012 and the End of the World


(Also see "Each day equals a consecutive year/date of time".)

A day can equal a year  (-2-)

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