One Day Can Equal One Year
Counting Days as Years
Part two of two parts
(To part one)
God literally created all things in 6 days, and rested on the 7th day, (Gen. 1). However, symbolically, "a day is as a year," so that man (who was literally made on the evening of the 6th day) was created symbolically at the end of six full years, or 'Year 6 from creation'. Thus, symbolically speaking, Adam was created in 'Year 6.' This is a new concept, but one that will show itself consistent throughout the bible, and is an important key that unlocks the numbers. I have studied it intensively for 12 years. 'God is awesome!' Do not put God in a box! God is greater than your box!
Not just at creation do days symbolize years, but at all major epoch events. (We means, "epoch [major] events" from the bible's perspective, not man's.)
Today, we date things from the birth of Christ; AD 2003 means 2003 years after the birth of Jesus. Before that, events were reckoned by so many years from the founding of great cities, or by the reigns of certain kings, etc. Jesus was "born King of the Jews," Matt. 2:2, thus we date events from His birth, not death. This dating system is based upon the traditional view that Jesus was born Dec. 25, 1 BC, and that He was circumcised 8 days later (inclusively reckoned) on Jan. 1, AD 1. However, now we know that He was actually born 6 or 5 BC, and conceived as early as 7 BC, (if not Jesus, than his forerunner John the Baptist, who was half-a-year older than Jesus.) Traditionally speaking, Jesus died AD 33, (33 years after His traditional conception date of March 25, 1 BC.) However, most scholars believe that in all likelihood Jesus actually died AD 30, which happens to be the date when Jesus began His 3-year ministry according to the traditional view! Thus, the two predominant views for the year of the death of Christ are 3 years apart, AD 30 or AD 33---both have scholarly support.
Reckoning Time
The circumcision of Jesus, when He was named, has become the reckoning point of dating all events in the western world. Jan. 1st, AD 1 is the first day of our calendar system for reckoning time, and it is also the first day of our year---our New-Years day. And, as we said, Jan. 1st, AD 1 is when Jesus was circumcised. Thus, He was born 7 days earlier, (which is 8 days inclusive.) Hence, if we let this previous 7 days represent 7 full years, then we see that Christ came into the world 7 days, or 7 symbolic years earlier---that is 7 BC. Now it happens that 7 BC is when Jesus was literally conceived, (or John the Baptist).
Literally speaking Jan. 1, AD 1, less 7 days equals His birth on Dec. 25, 1 BC, but...
Symbolically speaking AD 1, less 7 symbolic years equals 7 BC.
I know that this is a little tricky, keeping symbolic and literal dates clear in your mind, but the point is that the symbolic dates using the traditional dating method are producing the literal date of the conception of Christ, c. 7 BC.
But this would be mere coincidence if it we not for a consistency throughout the bible, and even here again in the birth narrative of Jesus. When a male child was born, the law required that child to be circumcised on the 8th day, (7 full days inclusive), and then 33 days later the mother had to offer up a sacrifice for her cleansing at the temple. This was 40 days after He was born, or 39 days inclusive, (as traditionally reckoned, Dec. 25 to Feb. 2.)
(Luke 2:21-4) "And when eight days were fulfilled for circumcising him, his name was called JESUS, which was so called by the angel before he was conceived in the womb. And when the days of their purification according to the law of Moses were fulfilled, they brought him up to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord (as it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord), and to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons."
(Lev 12:2-4) "Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a woman conceive seed, and bear a man-child, then she shall be unclean seven days; as in the days of the impurity of her sickness shall she be unclean. And in the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised. And she shall continue in the blood of her purifying three and thirty days; she shall touch no hallowed thing, nor come into the sanctuary, until the days of her purifying be fulfilled."
Now it happens that 7 BC, plus 7 + 33 symbolic years (40 days inclusive) = AD 33, the traditional date of Christ's death, and of many scholars still today.
Literally speaking Dec. 25, 1 BC, plus 40 days equals the presentation of Jesus in the temple, Feb. 2, AD 1, but...
Symbolically speaking The symbolic 7 BC, plus 40 symbolic years equals AD 33.
Thus, the sacrifice for cleansing at the temple on Feb. 2, AD 1, which symbolized AD 33, (the year of His death,) therefore symbolizes Himself as the sacrifice that cleanses us from our sins.
The traditional conception dates for Jesus and John the Baptist, (282 and 465 BC), likewise yield consistent results.
For now, we keep things simple. The pregnancy period in the bible is either 9 months, (20 x 9 = 270 days), or 280 days (7 x 40, with the 40-day period of cleansing being an 8th period of 40 days.) As said, there are 360 days in a Bible-Prophecy year, or 180 days in half a year. John the Baptist was born 180 days earlier than Jesus.
7 BC symbolic birth-year, less 180 day-years = 186 BC (inclusive), symbolically speaking. (Note we could take it as 187 BC, either is correct, and both are meaningful, as is the traditional June 24, 1 BC, birth date of John the Baptist.) 186 BC, plus 280 day-years pregnancy = 466 BC, symbolically speaking. The Exodus from Egypt and would-be start of the jubilees cycles was in 1446 BC. 1446 BC plus 490 x 2 = the above symbolic 466 BC, plus another 490 = AD 25, when Jesus was about 30 years of age. This is important because the angel Gabriel appeared to Johns father announcing that John would be conceived as forerunner of Jesus, and the only other time Gabriel is mentioned in the bible is in the story of Daniel (ch. 9) where the 70 x 7 (490) prophecy is given. the 490 prophecy was the countdown figure given till the birth of Messiah. It is given as days (490 days), but understood by most scholars as symbolic of years. In this case it is both, 490 (x 3) days and years. The 270 pregnancy works out equally well, yielding 457 BC for the symbolic conception of John. 457 BC was decree date of Ezra, (actual 458 BC) in fulfillment of Daniel 9, and 490 years comes to AD 34. It happens that 458 and 457 BC less 490 years = AD 33 and AD 34, the symbolic date of Christ's death. That is, 270 days till birth, plus 180 days till Jesus' birth, plus the 40 days cleansing at the temple spoken of earlier, equals 490 days!
Moreover, the exodus of 1446 BC, plus 1260 years = 186 BC, the symbolic date of the birth of John the Baptist. This is in fulfillment of Revelation 12 where the women goes into the wilderness 1260 days after the birth of the child, where she is taken care of the same way Israel was when they came up out of Egypt (in 1446 BC)! Moreover, the 1260 is half of a 7-year period, which belongs to the last 7 years of the 70 x 7 (490) prophecy, (Daniel 9:24-27)!
This entire thing repeats itself when we make the conception of Christ (as 6 BC), plus 270, 275 (traditional) or 280 day pregnancy! (AD 275 birth, and John's is AD 95, fall of Jerusalem, etc). The birth and conception points of Christ are from when all other dates take their cue in the 360 calendar; there is an intentional 5 day difference between them, which answers to the 6 to 1 BC difference in birth dates of the literal and traditional dates for His birth.
The day-count starts from the first day of whatever year a biblical epoch event occurred, and it symbolizes years as well as days.
Moreover, each day symbolically represents a date/year in time, with the first day of the New Year (Nisan 1st), in which the epoch event occurred, signifying AD 1, and the second day of that same year signifying AD 2, etc.
Example: The Exodus from Egypt was literally on Nisan 15th, 1446 BC, which was the 15th day of that year. Therefore, that day symbolically represents the year AD 15, with the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai 50 days later signifying the date AD 65. (AD 15 + 50 = AD 65).
Example: Jerusalem literally fell on Tam. 9th, 586 BC, which was the 99th day of that year. Therefore, the fall of Jerusalem on the 99th day of that year symbolically signifies the date AD 99.
Further Details, and the Importance of the Dates in the Book of Ezekiel: Each day as we move through time symbolizes a specific year of time on our calendar, and this has been so since the beginning of time. Each day represents a year. As our days elapse, so do the symbolic years. Upon every 40-years the main grid of day-years resets itself. However, dates within a particular 40-year grid can also be forwarded in time by certain biblical time frames, such as 1260 + 1260 years, or of late, 1260 + 1335 years, Dan. 12. However, there are anomalies to the 40-year grid that occur when the bible itself begins a new datum, that is, the beginning of a new countdown of years, like our BC and AD. This occurred twice in the book of Ezekiel. Dates recorded in the book of Ezekiel are repeating themselves in our time 1260 + 1335 literal years later. The book of Ezekiel was the key to discovering the time-grids.
However, the dates in Ezekiel are more complex than normal 40-year cycles for that period because all events dated in the book of Ezekiel are dated from two exiles to Babylon, Ezekiel's in 597 BC, and the main one in 586 BC. There are 11 years between the two spring New Years on the 360 calendar -- that is, between 597 and 586 BC -- which amounts to 4020 days. {11 x 360 days, plus two leap months of 30-days that occurred during this 11 years, equals 4020 days.} In another document, we talk about this 4020 days because 4020 days is what converts to 4020 symbolic years of time.
But to repeat, the normative symbolic day-years run along a grid that began with the rounded Creation date of 4006 BC and the literal Exodus date of 1446 BC. For the past many years there has been no reason to concern ourselves with the ongoing 40-year grid that repeats itself endless, simply because the girds have overlapped themselves so as to make the 40-year grid redundant. For example, 4006 BC to 1995 was 6000 years. or the 150th 40-year cycle, or the 86th 40-year cycle from the Exodus from Egypt in 1446 BC. However, 1995 also happened to be 1290 + 1290 years from 586 BC, the time frame mentioned in Daniel 12. Moreover, note the "430-year" cycles from Ex. 12:40-41. (See, "The Mount Carmel Forest Fire" for a practical modern-day example of how these time lines work.)
(Bible Prophesy Numbers
1260 -- 1290 -- 1335 Days)
Also see
Timeline of Events Surrounding the Exodus: The 360-Calendar, bible prophecy, and "day-years"
Bible Prophecy Numbers
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