Bible Prophecy Numbers

1260 days, 1290 days, 1335 Days

How Crucial to Bible Numbers
is Pin-Pointing the Exact Exodus Date? 


Not as crucial as you might think!


At the very hour of the literal New Year of the Exodus from Egypt, (1446 BC, 7 pm, March 10, i.e., "Abib 1/Nisan 1 just commencing, Ex. 12:1, (and thus was the start of the new datum), there was a total eclipse of the sun! The command to keep this special “New Year” was given on the eve of the 10th plague on Egypt just before “Passover”.

Another eclipse 3.5 years earlier. Click images to enlarge. 

I discovered the above eclipse while working on the below automated calendar. Interestingly, 3.5 years earlier another total eclipse occurred in the same area. (See, Rev. 12.)

360-days Automated Calendar Converter



The date of the Exodus is hotly contested among students of chronology, for once this date is secured then all dates reaching back to the Creation can be ascertained. In my own study of bible numbers, I use the date that is recognized by the majority of modern bible-believing scholars (i.e., 1446 BC). But I hasten to add that for some of the patterns (using the numbers in the bible) this question is irrelevant because many of the patterns exist irregardless of their exact date in history. Many patterns are internally present within the text itself, as such they are not contingent upon establishing their exact dates in pre-Israelite history. 

For instance, (as the following chart shows), the bible divides Noah's life (until the Flood) into a 480 + 120 (= 600)-year pattern (Genesis 6:3; 7:6). Using the max 405-chronology, this means that from then Flood till Abraham's birth are again 480 years, and then 720 more till the Exodus, and then 480 more till Solomon's temple (1Kgs. 6:1). This creates a 480 + 120 + 480 + 720 + 480 pattern. Not only are all these numbers divisible by 120---an important number at the Flood, Exodus, and United-Monarchy---but they also create a 600 and 1200-year-pattern two times, and a 1,080 (3 x 360) + 720 (2 x 360) pattern, etc. (See "A Bible-Prophecy Year is 360 Days.") Furthermore, the total time from Noah's birth until when Solomon finished building are 2300 years, (cf., Daniel 8:14). 


About the following chart:



From Noah's birth till...

From building of the ark till..

 From Flood till...

From Abraham's birth till...

From Exodus till...

Solomon's temple and building program

Birth + 480 years

+ 120

+ 480

+ 720 

+ 480 

+ 20 years

120 x 4

120 x 1

120 x 4

120 x 6

120 x 4


600 years

1200 years




600 years

1200 years



1800 years (360 x 5)


1800 years (360 x 5)



1,080 years (360 x 3)

720 (360 x 2)



2300 years



To repeat: These patterns (and hundreds more like them) are unaffected by whether or not an exact date can be assigned them---they stand alone since they are based internally upon the bible's own chronology; they are true no matter where one assigns them in actual linear time. Surely, what these patterns mean are more important than the mere plotting of them down on some time-line! Nonetheless, I am personally confident that the majority view of the scholars is correct, that is, that the Exodus was in c. 1446 BCAnd if indeed this date is correct, then we have an astounding fact before us---the patterns of the above chart happen to work flawlessly with this same date (of 1446 BC). The patterns not only continue uninterrupted, but indeed they blossom and converge at the birth of Christ. A remarkable coincidence indeed---if it is a coincidence!


Patterns Agree with the 
Generally Established 1446 BC Date of the Exodus



For example, since the temple was begun in 966 BC, 480 480 years after the Exodus (1Kgs. 6:1), thus there remains another 480 x 2480 x 2-years more until the conception/birth of Christ in 6 BC. This means, therefore, that the 120, 360, and the 480-patterns continue unabated and indeed converge at Christ's birth! 

{Furthermore, even the 360 x 2 and 360 x 3 patterns converge at 6/5 BC, as well as arguable the 600 + 1200 = 1800 pattern. (I.e., the first exile from Judah was in 605 BC, and Joseph (son of Jacob) died in 1805 BC; compare the time frames of Genesis 50:25, Exodus 13:19, Jos. 24:32 with Ezekiel 37. Matt. 1:16 names Jesus' father and grandfather as Joseph and Jacob---a clue? [Note also Matt. 1:11, 17] For the tremendous significance of the 480-year cycles see, "How the Leap Months are Regulated in the Bible-Prophecy Calendar.")}


Is the 1446 BC-Exodus date a fabrication to fit the said patterns?

It is reasonable to inquire as to whether or not the popular date of 1446 BC for the Exodus was simply a concoction by scholars to fit the bible numbers. However, the 1446 BC date was not chosen arbitrarily but was the consequence of first establishing the date for Solomon's temple as c. 966 BC, and then simply adding to it the 480 years of 1Kgs. 6:1---and this 966 BC date was not chosen arbitrarily, but because of empirical evidence only. 

Moreover, most scholars reject out-of-hand the day-equals-a-year principle , thus they would not have been influenced by the bible numbers in ascertaining the Exodus date since they do not as much as believe in them (as I have here displayed them)! Interestingly, the day-for-year principle was the norm for centuries before us. However, bible students that lived during those centuries lacked the correct dates and thus they did not discover anything substantial in their exhausting studies. Ironically, while our generation possesses the correct dates indeed, yet they have generally forsaken the day-for-year principle and so have overlooked the patterns in the bible numbers! (By this, God "sealed up" the understanding of the numbers until our day.)


In conclusion then, even though the establishing of specific dates is of tremendous value in the study of the numbers, yet it is by no means a prerequisite for reaping its benefits. Many patterns exist internally within the bible itself unaffected by date setting, and are of great value in aiding biblical interpretation. Nevertheless, there are far-reaching benefits reaped by the establishing of exact dates. The patterns that result from them not only aid biblical interpretation, but also prove the reality of the Lord Jesus Christ to an unbelieving generation. For they prove beyond doubt that the Author of the Bible is ultimately God---for whereas men can devise a false genealogy that produces numeric patterns, but only God can etch complex numeric patterns into actual history. 

The following patterns were ascertained using the 1446 BC Exodus date and represent but one bible-number pattern. Here, then, is a summary of the 360 "Bible-Prophecy-year" cycles that appear when calibrated to the 1446 BC date. The patterns produced not only vindicate bible chronology in general, but testify to the accuracy of the 1446 date specifically. 


Also see, "Why scholars are right about 1446 BC as the Exodus"

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Also see...

Main Bible Prophecy Chart

Theme: Exile and Tribulation

From the seven-year "world-wide" famine of Joseph
until the falls of Egypt, Israel, Assyria, Judah, and Babylonia…

1878–1871 BC
Enter Egypt 1876


1446 BC

722 BC

612 BC

586 BC

539 BC



Fall of

(i.e., the Exodus)

Fall of  

Fall of

Fall of

Fall of

Total years later from the famine -->



from famine


from famine


from famine


from famine


from famine

How Israel became a nation in 1948 on the exact day predicted in the Bible!

Bible Prophecy Numbers