Bible Prophecy Numbers

1260 days, 1290 days, 1335 Days

Bible Chronology



Part 'G'

ible Chronology and numeric patterns from Creation to the Flood--- to the Exodus
Chronology: A,'  'B,' and 'C.'   (and numeric Patterns: D., E., F., G., H.)


This attachment shows the total New Testament variants[1] of 405 years to be of divine intention. This is evident by both the patterns it produces (see 'Chronology'), and (as discussed in this document), in that the total of '405' is shown to be a significant number in and of itself; in that it interconnects with itself, both on a ten-times, or one-tenth (of itself) basis.



We start with this one pattern before we show how the total NT variant of 405 is significant in and of itself.

First we take a look at the 1,200 years from the flood to the exodus and then explain how the '405' relates to it.

{The 'Yeshua' code (ELS) is at 120 letters too. See 'Chronology,' for the standard and accredited dates that we use. Examples in this document use the 'minus 2-years' at the flood due to Genesis 5:32; 11:10, as explained in the main chronology document. }


Flood year as Spring, 2646 BC, to Spr. 2645 BC.

2646,5 BC + 1200 (400 x 3) = Spr. 1446,5 BC (exodus / tabernacle.)



The exact months and days of the flood narrative line up with those of the exodus especially when using the half-year-New-Year switch.

If we subtract the full 405-year margin, the product of NT revelation, then the date of the flood is 2241 or 2243 BC (i.e., 2646/8 + 405 years). Since "400 years," (the round number in Genesis 15:13, for their time in Egypt), composes the last 400-year segment of the 1200 years from the flood unto the exodus, the loss of the NT "405" helps divide the 1200 into three equal parts, (as 1,200 or 800 years from the flood). Likewise, scripture divides Moses' life into three even periods of 40 years. Furthermore, the 40-year loss (of the LXX 1Kg 1:6 variant), can align the 1200 years from the flood as either unto when Moses was 120 years old, or, as 800 years unto when he was 80 years old. (Note the '120-year period unto the flood,' of Genesis 6:3, also.)

As for exact periods of 400 years, we allow the span to start from the flood or the death of Lamech (father of Noah) who died 5 years earlier. {This 5 years is appropriate for several reasons.}[2]


2651 BC (max-Lamech's death), less the 405 = 2246 BC (min-Lamech's death) + 800 years = 1446 BC (exodus)



The 5 year gap occurs frequently in the numbers because on a ten-time level, it designates half-a-day or year. The dates of the creation vividly illustrate this.[3]

Next, we repeat this again, (of a actual interval connecting with itself on a times-ten level as did the 120 of Moses and at the flood, with 1200), except we use the mirror-exodus this time rather than the actual exodus. Both of these examples (of what was just said and will be said), are also in turn connected, but we will not go into detail now. (Essentially, we have a 120 + 120 + 120 = 360 years (as one 'year'), + 40 = 400-year-pattern, and repeated on a times-ten level. But see example using ELS in 'chronology.')


40.5, 405, and 4050, INTERCONNECT

First, a look at the '405' (of the three NT variants), and '4,050' (of Bible numbers, which we explain shortly), using the LXX-exodus of 1406 BC, along with the 'traditional' date of MT-1446 BC.

2645/6 BC flood year, + 4,050 = AD 1406/5 (mirror of Canaan entry, but exodus w LXX -40).

AD 1406 (as exodus) + 405 = birth of Isaac, the son of promise.

Hence, from alternate (min) flood date of less 405 (2241 BC), + 4,050 years = birth of Isaac.


Furthermore, the Bible breaks down this same span of 405 years, (from the exodus to Isaac's birth), into the same segments of time as the three NT variants did, (i.e., 215, 60, 130 years, and LXX -40, too), even though they are not directly related to one another other than by this pattern.

{We will quote directly from a typical computation of the chronology of the patriarchs (taken from 'The Expositor's Bible Commentary') in order to assure the reader that the connecting of the three NT variants with actual periods of time of the same duration, (i.e., during the patriarchs), is not contrived but matter-of-factly taken from the Bible. We use LXX-dates for this pattern though the commentary is using the MT. This in no way contradicts the quote itself.}

"The date of Abraham's birth is computed by adding 215 to the 1876-BC date that marked the coming of Jacob and his family to the land of Goshen. The 215 years are computed from the age of Jacob at the time he moved to Egypt–130 (Genesis 47:9), the age of Isaac when Jacob was born–60 (Genesis 25:20, 26), and the age of Abraham at the time of Isaac's birth–100 (Genesis 21:5)." (Gleason Archer, 'T. E. B. C.' Vol., 1, pg., 365, 6.)


AD 1406 (LXX mirror-exodus) + 215 = 1621 (LXX mirror-entry to Egypt) + 130 years = AD 1751 (LXX mirror-birth of Jacob) + 60 years = AD 1811 (LXX mirror-birth of Isaac).


Please ponder closely:

Thus, the 405 less at the flood (= 2241 BC), with its three-part breakdown, is likewise 4,050 years to each of the dates in the above chart. Furthermore, 4,050, plus 405 = 4,455, (i.e., as from the max flood to Isaac's mirrored birth, LXX), even so, 405 (of the three major variants), plus the minor variant of -40 of 1Kg 6:1, equals 445, (or, one-tenth of the previous total). Add to this the extra half-year-New-Year switch possible for when Isaac entered Egypt (as being 130.5 years old), and we have a total of 445.5 years, (or exactly one-tenth of above total variants). Therefore, the total years from the max flood to Isaac's birth (MT & LXX) of 4,050, with its additional 405 (as above), agrees with the total variants in use to create this effect in the first place (i.e., 405, with LXX -40). This, along with the fact that each individual part (i.e., 215, 130, 60, 40), are also being advanced to significant events in the mirror of the lives of the patriarchs, is strong evidence that it was designed this way.

Furthermore, 1Kg 1:6 (of our LXX -40), states that the temple was built either 3½ or 4 years after king David's 40.5-year reign (2Sam 5:5). Hence, we have both one-tenth and one-hundredth of 4,050 and 4,455 years as well.[4]


Solomon's temple begins in 966 BC, spring, – 480 years to exodus (MT), or, – 440 years (LXX).

spr 966 BC, – 3½ years = aut 970 BC, – 40½ years of David's reign. = spr 1010 BC, {See endnote [5] for why David's reign thematically connects with Solomon's temple.}

3.5 + 40.5 = 44 (one tenth of the LXX reading of '440').

Or, spr 966 – 4 years = spr 970 BC, less 40½ = aut 1011 BC,

4 + 40.5 = 44.5 (one-tenth of total variant reading. I.e., 40 + 405 = 445)



The '4,' is one-tenth of the LXX -40 variant, here at 1Kg. The 40.5 (of David's reign) is one-tenth of total NT variants (of 405), and 40.5 is also one-hundredth of Daniel's three numbers of 4,050, and, or, + 30, etc., see next chart). The '480 days' that David spent in a foreign land immediately prior to his 40½-year reign (1Sam 27:7) yield other patterns too (that we cannot describe at this time), and correspond to the 440 and 480 years of 1Kg 1:6.

The 405(0) pattern is still more intricate; Ezekiel's '430' combines with 2300, 490, 1260 of Daniel (the total of 4,050), as well.


(Flood) 2645 BC + 4,050 (2300 + 490 + 1260) = AD 1406 (LXX-exodus) + 430 of Ezekiel and of the period in Egypt.

Or, similarly, 2645 BC + 4,080 (2300 + 490 + 1290) + the 400 years in Egypt (Genesis 15:13).



It is possible to use the '1290', rather than its shadow '1260', (1290 has intercalary month), for a total of 4,080 years (i.e., 2300 + 490 +1290). The '4,080' would then be 10-times the total variant gap of '408'. A '408-year' gap is the extreme fringe of possibility when using MT in combination w NT. The missing 3 years are calculated as follows: The difference of the "2 years" from Genesis 11:10; Genesis 5:32. Next, subtract (as Jewish tradition does, see endnote '3' of 'Chronology'), rather than add the ½-year-New-Year-switch, ---a full one-year difference, (215 + 60 + 130 + 2 + ½ + ½ = 408.) For example, Lamech's death (max-2653 BC) + 408 years = Lamech's death (min-2245 BC), + 4,080 = AD 1836 (LXX-entry into Egypt), etc




1.) The above variants are related to the four numbers of Ezekiel 4:4-9. For example, the '130' is one-third of 390 (MT, Ezekiel 4). The '130' + '60' = 190 (of LXX, Ezekiel 4), and the 215 is half 430 (MT, Ezekiel 4). Their total of '405,' is approx. the round "400 years in Egypt," of Genesis 15:13. (The "400 years," here, is the root of the 430, 390, and 40 of Ezekiel 4.) Furthermore, the total of '405,' is times-10 the '40' of Ezekiel 4.

2.) As we said in part 'A' of Chronology, the standard Hebrew genealogies put the creation at 4304 BC, spring. This is an exact 4,300 years to the death of king Herod, and when Christ and His parents left Egypt. The time in Egypt up until when the Passover Lamb was slain (and Pharaoh died in the Red Sea), is also an exact 430 years (Ex. 12:41).

Ezekiel (4:5-6) is told to lay on his side 390 days for Israel and another 40 for Judah, for a total of 430 days that symbolized years (i.e., the same length of time spent in Egypt). In like manner, after 390 years in Egypt, Moses tried unsuccessfully to rescue his brethren from Pharaoh but had to flee and wait another 40 years. Consider the symmetry of the following:


Spr, 4304 BC (creation of Adam), less the additional half-year = aut, 4305 BC ( = 4,300 years to birth of Christ, "the last Adam," 1Cor 15:45.)

4305 BC + 405 (the effect of NT variants) = aut, 3900 BC, (3,900 years to traditional conception of Christ in the mirror in March 25th, 1 BC).



The above chart shows that the approximate 5-year gap between the traditional and actual birth of Christ symbolize a mere half-year when viewed on a times-10 level. This agrees with the half-year gap between Christ and his forerunner, John the Baptist (or, certainly unto the 'magnificat', Luke 1:26,37,56). This half-year combines with the 2 or 3 years that Herod inquired of the Magi concerning when the Christ was born, to create the "time, times, and half a time," in reverse order, (see Rev. 12 in comparison with Matthew's birth narrative, and with Daniel 9-12). "Two years old and under," Matt 2:16, in the original Greek may read as 3 years old less a day, or as 2 full years. The ambiguity of the text is purposeful because it is the inspired Word of God.

When this 5-year gap is reduced by a tenth, the approximate 35-year life of Christ itself (including conception, etc.), becomes as 3½ years. This first 5 years, then, represent the "half-time" of the prophet Daniel. Therefore, Christ's 30th year, (when he began his 3½-year ministry), also symbolizes three years. {Likewise, note the effect of the 5/6 BC census / birth in its AD mirror. The second census (AD 6) in the Bible, is the mirror of the first, Acts 5:37; Luke 2:2}.

Therefore, the "time, times, and half-time" (3½ years), concur not only with the first (i.e., at the general time of His birth), and last 3½ years of His life, but also with the whole of His life but on this times-10 level. The effect of this 5-year gap just explained, when viewed in connection with the (NT) 405-year chronological gap, underscores the purpose and design of the 405 gap, ---it gives a floating variance of '40,' except on a times ten level, as does the 1Kg 1:6 LXX-variant of a literal 40 years.

3.) Noah's birth unto the flood is 600 years. This plus the 1,200 to the birth of the nation of Israel out of Egypt, are 1,800 years, (1,800 ÷ 360 = 5 years.) This 5 years corresponds to Lamech's 5 years when a day is converted into a year. Therefore, besides the 120-year warning unto the flood, the 5 years from Lamech's death unto the flood was a warning too. For there are 1200 years to the exodus (a type of flood), and 5 years of years (1,800) from Noah to the exodus. The '1,200' corresponds with the 120-year warning, and the '1800' to the 5-year warning from Lamech.

Lamech's father lived the longest of any man in the world. He died in the same year of the flood. Perhaps he died in the flood, but more likely, the month before it. (Or, a ½-years before it?) If he died before it, which is most likely since he is of the godly seed, then his death was a portent of catastrophe just as Lamech's was. This would then agree with Isaiah the prophet and Jesus the Messiah:

"Come ye, say they, I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink; and to morrow shall be as this day, and much more abundant. The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come." (Isa. 56:12 - 57:1)

"Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled… For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." (Mt. 24:37, 38, 39)

4.) 1Chon 29:27 has 40 years instead of the exact 40.5 of 2Sam 5:5, to create one-thousandth of 4,050 and of 4,455 years too. I.e., the ½-year gap of the 40 (or 40.5) years of David's reign, plus the "4th year" of Solomon (1Kg 1:6), can create a 4 or 4.5-year gap. Note the probable ½-year co-reign of Solomon and David as well, (1Kg 1:30,35,48; 2:12).

Click here for further information and patterns along this line of things, and of David's reign.

5.) There is an exact '40.5' years from Moses' attempted deliverance of Israel until the actual, and from the death of Christ unto the prophesied destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70.



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